My Collection of Paintings
Nature's Hologram
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
48x38 in.
This piece was developed in the study of the significance and symbolism
That has been connected to the tiger image throughout history
The Source
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
30x40 in.
Inspiration from the learning of the significance of evolutionary psychology
and the influence that our ancestors have had in shaping the way we think.
Purple Haze
Spray Paint, Acrylic, and Oil on Canvas
A portrait on the musical spirit of Jimi Hendrix and his influence
Inner Vision
Spray Paint on Canvas
30 x 40 in.
An investigation between mind body spirit and nature
Breathe Out
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 24 in.
The inhalation of the positive and exhalation of the negative
The Fire Inside
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 48 in.
There is a constant exploration of religious themes and esoteric subjects.
As a child, he first associated himself most as an atheist but has since changed
with learning and exploring the most meaningful teachings and literature that
history has provided
Blue Phoenix
Spray Paint, Acrylic, and Oil on Canvas
16x20 in.
The artist started abusing drugs and alcohol in grade school and life became a
distorted and degenerate existence. He can relate his own experiences to the
phoenix that rises from the ashes
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
11 x 14 in.
After the artist learned about Frida Kahlo and then visited her home (now a
museum) in her native land of Mexico, he was inspired to create this piece because
of the influence she has had on the lives of many.
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
The artist is interested in the psychological significance of religious teachings
and their history to shape and provide meaning that touch many people
throughout their lives.
Letting Go
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
15x30 in.
A study into the idea of wanting to hold on but needing to let go
Blue Lotus
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 40 in.
A dedication to the lotus and its meaning throughout Egyptian history
Tribal Heart
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
36x48 in.
The artist arrives at the South American amazon and goes down the river to visit
the a tribe of people that decided to live apart from society and among nature.
He went and visited an indigenous tribe and observed how life was for this
group of people
Inner Landscape
Spray Paint & Acrylic on Canvas
16x20 in.
An exploration into the inner qualities of each person that can be bountiful
but hidden beneath many layers of what they choose to reveal